How does the life of gemstone cutting saw blade be affected

2019-09-04 1164

I. Sawing parameters

(1) Linear speed of saw blade: In practice, the linear speed of diamond circular saw blade is limited by the premise of equipment, the quality of saw blade and the nature of cut stone. In terms of the optimum service life and cutting efficiency, the linear speed of the saw blade should be selected according to the nature of different stones. When cutting granite, the linear velocity of the saw blade can be selected in the range of 25 m~35 m/s. For granite with high quartz content and difficult to cut, the lower limit value of saw blade linear velocity is appropriate. When producing granite tile, the diameter of diamond circular saw blade is smaller and the linear speed can reach 35 m/s.

(2) Sawing depth: Sawing depth is an important parameter to touch diamond wear, effective sawing, force condition of saw blade and properties of sawn stone. Generally speaking, when the linear speed of diamond circular saw blade is high, a small cutting depth should be selected. From the present skills, the cutting depth of diamond can be selected between 1 mm and 10 mm. Generally, the cutting depth can be controlled between 1 mm and 2 mm when using large diameter saw blade to cut granite scrap. At the same time, the feed speed should be lowered. When the linear velocity of diamond circular saw blade is relatively high, a large cutting depth should be selected. However, within the allowable range of sawing machine function and tool strength, it is necessary to take as much cutting concentration as possible for cutting, so as to improve the cutting efficiency before cutting. When there is a requirement for processing appearance, small depth cutting should be adopted.

(3) Feeding speed: Feeding speed is the feed speed of cut stone. Its size affects the sawing rate, the force on the blade and the heat dissipation in the sawing area. Its value should be selected according to the nature of the cut stone. Generally speaking, sawing soft stone, such as marble, can properly advance the cutting speed, if the cutting speed is too low, it is more conducive to the forward sawing rate. Sawing fine-grained and homogeneous granite can properly advance the cutting speed. If the cutting speed is too low, the diamond edge can be easily flattened. However, when sawing coarse-grained granite with uneven hardness and softness, the feed speed should be lowered, otherwise the blade oscillation will lead to diamond fragmentation and the sawing rate will be reduced. The feed speed of sawing granite is generally selected in the range of 9m-12m/min.